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ZipLeads Support Support Center

Search for any help questions or topics. Please email any support questions to team@zipleads.com.au

Getting Started

Getting Started - Overview

This video gives a broad overview of the capabilities of your new platform

Getting Started - Settings Overview

Dashboard - Overview

This is an overview of how to interpret and use your dashboard.

Account Settings

Let's get your account all set up correctly!

Connecting your Facebook Page

If you want to receive Facebook Messages (from your page) follow the steps in this video:

Live Chat Widget

This video explains how to set up and install the Live Chat widget.

Conversations - Overview

This video shows you the capabilities and also how to use them within the conversations view.

Opportunities Overview

This video shows you how to use your opportunities pipeline.

Creating a new employee

How To Use Tasks And Opportunities Owners

Assigning tasks to your team

Book in For a Community Support Session

Zipleads Feature Request Form

How to add the Live Chat Widget to a Wordpress Website

Installing the Chat Widget on a Funnel

Integrating Stripe

This video shows how to integrate Stripe with your account:

Verify Domain In Facebook AD Account

Email Deliverability

This video will show you common FAQ's related to ZipLeads email deliverability.

How to Integrate Zoom

This video will show you how to integrate Zoom.

Setting Custom Values and Custom Fields

This video will show you how to set custom values and custom fields and outline the differences between the two including how and where to use them.

Contact Card Overview

This video shows you the sections within the contact card and how to use them.

My Opportunities Aren’t Showing